What's done can never be undone

Have the world ever been unjust to you?

Have you been blamed for doing something in your life that you cannot even think about!

Have a crowd made you feel that you are unworthy or disloyal?

I know how it feels!

You become outrageous and frustrated. Especially when you are not given a chance to speak up for yourself. And if you ask them time to prove you were not at fault, They laugh. Now we start feeling insulted even though you did not do anything wrong. Sometimes you get to prove yourself right but does everything become okay after that phrase "Hence proved"? NO. It will never be okay. Once it is done it can never be undone. You remain hurt and feel extremely mad on those people who treated you like a creep. We even forget to breathe because of the frustration and the crowd of people. They start to suffocate you.

In life there will be people like this all the time around us. Especially when you are good, you tend have this kind of situations more. Cry those frustration into tears. Because tears can only be shed by pure souls. If you don't have the oppurtunity to prove yourself right, It's fine! We don't win all the time in life, sometimes you have to lose in front of loosers! And sometimes you have to think from the other perspective of the situation, Why this happened? Maybe the looser who we thought have been fooled by other people who were unjust to them. And it's a vicious cycle you get trapped in. That's the force of universe. You can never stop this cycle. Now what I learned from this is,

You can't be always right (even though you are)

Don't let these memories and people haunt you!

World won't treat you like a prince or princess.

You have to stand up for yourself and Prove.

If you cannot prove then it's completely fine. Move on. Forgive them because you know your own worth. Self worth cannot be proved to people, by time if they get to know you then they might understand.

Yours understanding
Joshika Joseph


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