Understood but Misunderstood

 If communication can solve issues. 

Why is anything not solved between two individuals who are kith and kin? 

The opposite party says they ready to understand how we feel, So “open up”. 

But when we really open up about our true feelings are we really heard? Are we really understood? 

Maybe that is not the case right! 

I have my own philosophy towards this one- A Human can never be understood by another human. No matter how hard they try, they are still bound to fail. 

The person who tries to communicate needs nothing more than the other person to just listen! Because we know nobody can solve our problems for us. We need a pair of ears where are words can settle in. After listening without any judgement towards the person or situation just say “It’s okay”. And maybe just bury what we spoke deep inside your heart, pretending like it never happened. But not many are trustworthy in this universe that is why we build walls, even though we try to reveal our feelings it’s not 100%. You can barely be transparent about your feelings. 

Because deep down you know you can never be understood!


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